December Keeper

Greetings friends,

December is the time to serve others. The fieldwork has been done as the cold winds blow in the winter snow. It is now time for us at Miss D’s Honeybees to focus on other things, such as honey-sweetened hot chocolate and warm cozy fires. These are not just for us however, many people will snuggle up to a fire with a steaming cup of hot cocoa this month and it is our joy to help make that happen.  December is extremely busy for us with holiday sales. We so very much enjoy interacting with customers at each vendor event. I still have a hard time fathoming the blessings that we receive just by selling honey to others. 

December is for giving. It is so simple and yet so complex at the same time. You could say that we simply sell honey, but there is so much more to it. It’s like we sell dreams. There is nothing better than watching someone’s face light up when they test our flavored honey and the first thing out of their mouth after “OMG” is, “I gotta get this for…” The desire to make a child or a spouse or a friend happy is essential to almost all of us. A simple cup of hot cocoa is not so simple when it is given to you by your 80-year-old Grandmother. This is no longer just hot cocoa, it is love, it is caring and it is cherished memories. So, this December you will find us all over the map serving up future memories and supplying liquid love. 

Our absolute favorite event of the year happens in December. No, it’s not a honey show. We travel to Mexico to build a house in the slums of the Colonia. You see, while hot cocoa and a snuggly fire are a reality for so many of us here, it is merely an untouchable dream or just an illusion for many. While we sit by our fires warm with blankets and snuggly pillows, they sit in the cold under makeshift tarps. While we sip on our hot cocoa and plan our big holiday feasts with gifts and all the fixings, they drink water from the river and wade through the trash piles looking for anything that might resemble a present. You see, Christmas isn’t always a warm and cozy visit to Grandma's house, it is also cold and dirty and lonely.  

So, our Dream, our Vision, is to make Miss D’s Honeybees so big that everyone in our Colonia and beyond will have a warm home cracking with a snuggly fire and a hot steaming cup of cocoa.

Dream Big Friends,

Nancy Dvorak

Mrs. Keeper