What if we Could Change the World with an Idea?

Hey y'alls! It's Jocelyn here, bringing you a couple of beginner thoughts as I try taking over the internet. I want to share with you my why. Why do I spend so much time running this little business? Why do I spend my days during and after school developing and working? Many people would answer "To pay for college," or "To live without a job!" It is so much more than that to me. This whole journey allows me to spread an idea. The idea that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. The business I created is an outlet to live out that idea in a way I love! I get to go home every day and find new ways to live my dream through new stock, products, posts, writing, and presentations. I do this so that, one day, a little girl like me may become inspired to do something amazing with her life far beyond what I will ever do. We are all made with a spark of potential, creativity at our fingertips. We are all made to give the world something it has never seen before. Will we set that spark of potential aflame? Will we try to live out our dreams? Will we come forward with our creative minds and try to inspire others forward every day? Some days it is hard to wake up and say "yes!", but I encourage you to try. Some days you will feel like there is no point, then other days your four-year-old brother will say "Joce! Your honey is the most bestest thing ever!" Some days you come home tired, and others days you will see a little girl telling you her business plan. With this business, it's not about "making it big", it's about the little things. It's about loving people, helping people, and inspiring people. Even if my business only inspires one person, all the effort will be worth it. I believe life is about changing the world with our ideas, hands, and hearts.

Thank you for reading! I'll be back soon!

Jocelyn Dvorak